All prices are now in USD, NOT CAD. Made and shipped from Canada.

The cost of shipping is not included in prices; see shipping info here.

Includes 1 full-body character & a basic/abstract background.

Full-bodyWaist-up or landscape without charactersPortrait
Price:listed price80% of full-body price50% of full-body price
Includes:character head to toehips and up or hips and downhead and shoulders, no hands/paws

Each additional character is +50% of the base price.

High detail backgrounds are +60% of the base price.

[ Sketches ]

Sketch (Digital or Traditional)

Pencil (traditional) or Photoshop (digital). Single cleaned up character or 4-5 rough pose sketches of a single idea.


Digital Doodles

Photoshop. Imitation watercolour in a simple style.


Digital Flat Coloured Sketch



Digital Full Coloured Sketch



Traditional Watercolour Sketch

Pencil and watercolour.


[ Inks ]

Digital Inks

Cleaned up lineart, comes with transparent version and version on white. Photoshop and Paint Tool Sai.


Traditional Inks

Cleaned up lineart, can include under-sketch or omit it. Coloured pencil and pen.


[ Inks & Flat Colour ]

Single layer of colouring, no shading. Pen and marker or watercolour (traditional) or Photoshop and Paint Tool Sai (digital).

Digital Inks & Flat Colour


Traditional Inks & Flat Colour


[ Inks & Full Colour ]

Single layer of stylized shading, cel or soft airbrushed; basic colour palette and textures; and single colour lines. Pen and marker, watercolour or gouache (traditional) or Photoshop and Paint Tool Sai (digital).

Digital Inks & Full Colour


Traditional Inks & Full Colour


[ Inks & Realistic Colour ]

Realistic and pseudo-realistic shading; full colour palette and realistic textures; and multi-coloured lines. Pen and gouache (traditional) or Photoshop and Paint Tool Sai (digital).

Digital Inks & Realistic Colour


Traditional Inks & Realistic Colour


[ Paintings ]

Stylized to realistic and pseudo-realistic shading; full colour palette and stylized to realistic textures. Gouache (traditional) or photoshop (digital).

Stylized Lineless Digital Painting


Stylized Lineless Traditional Painting


Digital Realistic Painting
